About Us

We’re a small guiding/outfitting business located in the Panhandle of Nebraska.

our story

We got into the guiding and outfitting business out of necessity and passion. Founder Jordan Budd grew up hunting the area and wanted to turn her passion of hunting into a business.

Located in the Sandhills including 10 miles of river/creek bottom, agriculture fields and vast grasslands, the ranch provides quality land for an abundance of wildlife. The river and creek bottoms are filled with cottonwood, pine, cedar, ash and similar trees making it a bowhunters dream. The creek bottoms consist of broken country with steep draws where the deer like to bed. Out of the bottoms you run into open choppy hilled grasslands and agriculture fields where the antelope like to inhabit.

The Sandhills is home to Mule Deer, Whitetail, Merriams Turkey and Coyotes. We operate on private land and our goal is to work hard to get you an opportunity an animal you would like to take home and provide a positive experience with comfortable equipment, lodging and meals.

"I love taking folks out and helping them accomplish a goal. I've always prided myself on booking the amount of hunters that should be booked, versus the amount of hunters that could be. I love seeing our quality rise and am always striving to get better year after year."
Jordan Budd
Head of Operations

Cole Trichell – Guide

Cole Trichell is my right hand man, lead guide if you will. Cole is on his fourth season with us and has always been loved by clients for working hard and going above and beyond. He loves hunting and even more so loves to see clients happy.

– Jordan
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